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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 730am  CBS  August 19, 2012 7:30am-8:30am PDT

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the next big deal on the campaign trail medicare reform the hot button debate with the goal of swing the vote. supporting those that defend freedom oversees the bay area campaign to get back to veterans. of bay area room marine and remembered for his sacrifice of how was memory will live on at his home water it is 730 thanks for joining us. , lot of news and talk to cover the next hour and a big hot topic is depicted in the idea of taking northern california water and sending it down south. cover and a proposed a massive tunnel and talking to an expert about whether not that's even economically feasible. our boys and totals
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represented at bay area in the little league world series with a big game coming up today putting campaign 2012 the republican candidate for vice- president will be in florida with his mother this weekend. try to ensure voters that they will not lose their medicare coverage more on what they are saying. paul ryan went to a retirement community in florida and got a little help from a 78 year-old mother. i want to introduce you to my mother greta the republican vice-presidential canada promised seniors they but now is the medicare under a mitt romney administration. he accused the president of cutting hundreds of billion dollars from medicare to pay for his health-care reform. we will restore the promise of this program and make sure
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that this board of bureaucrats and all not mess with my mom's health care or your mom's health care. clearly can up with the budget plan that would shift medicare to a voucher like system democrats claim that that would bankrupt the program but his words resonate with many senior voters. there's no way we can keep it as it is now. others in florida disagree i'm getting all fired upper in new hampshire president obama defended his plan. my plan saves money in medicare by cracking down on fraud and waste and insurance in company subsidies their plan makes seniors pay more so they could get another tax cut to millionaires and billionaires greta the presence of voters election day is about two different approaches to the country's future and he said the choice is clear. this weekend and mitt
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romney attended a series of fund-raisers in massachusetts with a former criminal plea in as much as $75,000 a plate and the bentsen martha's vineyard, cod and nantucket. the big question is camp in 2012 hit a new low? the illinois senator dick durbin and the former new york 6 n.y. mayor will be talking with us and also talking with the president of americans for tax reform: and the mastermind of the anti-tax pledge all but two republicans in congress have signed on face the nation at 838 m on cbs 5. 82 word air could spell the demise of the tax measure set for the november ballot in silicon valley. the santa clara valley water district asking voters to approve five and $40 million and partial tax increases the original summary of the measures
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was 77 words with two more than allowed under the election law. they then revised down to 75 were the early this month that they didn't oppose the move buys it in time and under the law they have to in the text of this that a to sue of the measures not taken off the ballot. 5 ago recovering right now after their rowboat was blown away in the san francisco bay to kids not to and the boat back from candlestick point is today and three adults jumped in to try to save them in the u.s. coast guard is called in and they couldn't come back to shore the could not battle the waves and on the one of them suffered from mild hypothermia and everyone is expected to be ok. gonna skate sex offender back behind bars today police say that he was spotted yesterday panhandling at fisherman's wharf in san francisco. he escaped from iran but city mental health facility on friday april lee facing and a
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misdemeanor charge in san mateo county for sex offenses against a minor. and 81 year of santa rosa man under arrest this my face assault charges after police say he tried to run data bicyclist with his car. trying to escape on to the oakmont golf course after he said the driver yelled at him for some reason on wednesday and then said the driver followed him into the golf course and hit him and he is expected to survive and police track down the driver after another cyclist reported being harassed a the same area. a renewed effort to the bay area to address the multiple needs of veterans returning from war. make a mystery to the researchers feared he board organized by state senate majority leader in more than a dozen agencies were present. does in the physical and psychological issues the vets had that often times and active duty soldiers need a listening ear. the skies out there all lunch and a battle against the defense themselves to usually
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the guys the and committing suicide and we want to prevent that. the number of active duty suicides doubled from june to july from 2012 to 26 it appeared to be a success hk and more defense are being planned. hundred showed up for more to honor a fall in the rain from the south bay. pay their final respects to the captain and his own modern in mountain view st. francis high. he does go on august 10th with to the marines by an assailant disguised as an afghan police officer. this was his fourth tour of duty and i iraq and afghanistan. the events of 9112001 changed everything and certainly for him think he recognized that this was that he wanted to be the marine corps and wanted to help protect america. be a plan stevenson go to law school because the public defender and tradition supported
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to establish a scholarship and his name at st. francis high. the defense secretary is working with afghanistan's president announce stopping the insider attacks. the attacks of the summit this year raising questions about the strategy to trade baskets to take over security of the country into-and 14. he encouraged karzai to work with the u.s. commanders to insure more rigorous of recruits. appear in public for the first time in more than a month the state-run tv showed him performing prayers' in a mosque in damascus the last image of the public was early july of this book department as a civil war in syria continues the lasted nations observers and leave the country and the mission expires tonight. the wikileaks founders made
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appearances at said ecuador's embassy in london. speaking from a small balcony and the embassy now seeking asylum to avoid extradition to sweden over sex crime allegations. the u.s. president about a particular should and what he is calling a witchhunt against wikileaks. a lot of raised eyebrows when it comes to canada its comments of the campaign trail this week. first another look at governor brown's plans to boost water supplies and seven california and expert from berkeley joins us next. the mars rover ready for a test drive. were starting out with the clearing skies the bay area and then it changes mid-week. the weather coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the mars rover curiosity continues to explore the red planet today notes for another milestone. on tuesday nasa will take the rubber out of the test drive from remote control after they survived seven drilling minutes on is to send the red planet one week ago sitting at listening to your mission to explorer the cradle crater hoping to find signs of life on mars. taking a look at the bay area weather for the sunday morning as usual patchy fog but it's going to be happening later today. fog for most of the day on the coast of the outside of the colgate bridge shrouded in fog this morning. the rest of the pinpoint forecasts.
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good morning. let's recap what has happened this week with moisture that triggered flash flooding in southern california for an afternoon and then as we move across the north this subtropical moisture follows and we had a few thunderstorms early saturday morning and today all of that moisture moves out of the state looking for some low, cover along the shoreline of members in general will be about the same as they were yesterday. at the city around the bay of the low cloud cover affecting certain parts of the bay area in inland mostly sunshine to the pressures of the pacific northwest and eventually that low will take at a trough in the western part of the state and as a result with this produce in
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the trough the numbers come down and look for a cooling trend in the bay area will have to wait to live around midweek in the meantime it will continue to warm the east bay and along the beach the numbers in the '60s and what's the forecast in general for the bay area today with most essential and in linden the '90s in in the bay area 78 in the '60s for the beach. the local car form along the shoreline as we roll the clock back to show the clock over filling and along the coast of tonight and it leaves us with mostly clear skies of the bay area today. tomorrow and the airport and a critic of part the cloud cover in new york city gets thunderstorms sunshine for los angeles in chicago partly cloudy and 73 from monday. overnight tonight 50s for the most part and the forecast highs for today in san jose low 80s
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and 65 of the shoreline by pacifica and 82 for napa up the north banned members in the low eighties for the most part the numbers in the '70s closer to the they will look at the to expect a cooling trend tuesday and wednesday and thursday the numbers will finally come back to back down to the mid '80s. have a great sunday. a closer look at the governor's plans to boost water supplies in southern california by taking water from northern california and putting it to an $18 billion tunnel north of the sacramento delta down to southern california. the professor trances now co- director of uc berkeley's water center this project is not without its critics especially northern california of questions
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about what a book to to the ecosystem and the cost talking about 2 35 mi. long tunnels huge totals going underground to move this water and is it even cost effective. it certainly appears it is based on we knew today. they so we know is does appear that it is affordable. " is it going to be cost effective in the long run? a lot of questions in southern california whether they're willing to pay for this water and questions _ and no one paying for the construction of it if we haven't. greta the water agencies to receive water from the delta have made commitments that they will pay for the cost of the facilities there's no subsidy involved in the program and it does appear that this a cost- effective investment.
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though still the need for recycling and desalination some instances of always need for conservation but those alternatives alone will not solve southern california's water problems. that is all the criticism i get from the congressman for the delta area that seven california isn't doing a good enough job of recycling in use in the water that they have why should we send our water down their there's definitely a need for more recycling and seven california and that is occurring with the conservation plan is about is not so much increase in the amount of water taken from and california to southern california but more about showing up and stabilizing the supplies that exist now with a definite need for other alternatives to be developed in southern california and it's about protecting its already taken. let's take a look at protecting for talking about the delta and this is the water
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already shipped town south and how to assert the delta if we take the water away it's a simple equation there are concerns that are legitimate concerns of have been expressed by people in the delta region the road about a change in the solidity of the water that they used for irrigation and concerned about some farmland being converted into habitat that i think of the concerns of they are legitimate can be addressed. back to the cost formant europe facing urinalysis on the an idea that the call cost $14,000,000,000.-294971111 dollars restoration and you know and i know the state project one thing for certain it's not going to come in at cost. it will come in and a higher cost so how did she work that into your question? in the cost figures she said earlier there is a 30%
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contingency he might even over run that is a possibility unfortunately there appears to be large enough cushion and the benefits that even a cost overrun with some results of the situation of the benefits exceed the cost. we will have 30 seconds but that's enough time in northern california and i say what to right it and of his deal other than sending something very precious our water south. is what agencies in the bay area that we live on exports from the delta and i would be a very direct benefit to more generally that they conservation plan would stabilize the regulatory environment in the delta would result in the situation with is a better quality of the environment and ecosystem is functioning better and it works to everyone's benefit. i want to thank for coming in in the early and think agreement.
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when we come back watch your words and you're out there on the campaign trail organizers try to rein in the canada it off colored comments go viral. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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gain a foot pedal the nationals of the little league world series game time 11:00
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a.m. taking on the southeast champions from tennessee. fans can join in and watch and a watch party at the boulevard 14 cinemas in petaluma and so the ticket sales will go to help the teams families traveling back to pennsylvania to support the players. i'm sure the excitement is already building in just a lot of community spirit and pride a sports bar up they're beyond the glory are huge supporters of the team in another corner of the big party today. the campaign trail this week as the democrats and republicans defending themselves after some colorful comments from candidates. we turn to our political insiders former mayor willie brown incentives is a chronicle that cafe roma and talked about a time when candidates worked we call the line going up there and shaking hands talking to reporters with a chance to
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interact with them but now it's like they just do their event and they're gone. the first question is what's going on with american politics evolution people have no longer have the skills to be spontaneous according to their handlers in half to stay on the message and believe me if you have trouble passing and examine high-school status messages: to be a problem. we politicians have that problem only if the people that can be spontaneous and press conferences that quality of politician are so afraid now of the you-tube moment so fretted that the media has been strangled and we can't get to joe biden of the most accessible people out there he's been unafraid and now the last week he said seven about being in chains he's the gang chains now they are shutting him up.
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it's too bad we in politics those still in the arena cannot understand how really important it is to appear to be as normal as the human beings are asking them to vote for the public knows of occasions he may very well say something you wish you could not said is far more interesting to try to explain then be subsidized care. greta i think it takes some of the motion out if the difference between a ball game and a batting practice it is the idea that this motion in counter motion and interaction and flubs the these day everybody from obama to mitt romney everyone is doing their best to be scripted richton park it's come about because we so rely upon will recall focus groups " we do before we go when to try to determine what you want us to
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san what about accountability we used to be of a to your questions at the present cancerous and that's over. we saw paul ryan saying comes another time is about asking and answering questions and we stand on the issues reporter should regularly and every occasion when you're anywhere around the politicians you shout out them and believe me they don't have enough control and to themselves that a turnaround shot back you annoyance and believe me we will respond. these days the handlers seem bent on not getting close enough to even say anything and if it is a lot of times it's scripted. absolutely when mitt romney came to town a couple of months ago the handlers route hours before not announce the location you'd be speaking you what can
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everyone is very nervous and it really is a shame because we're not all out for blood but it does give a chance is the mayor has noted for credits to actually appear human and i think that there is an element lost and then especially the higher you go up the political chain of the time running for president to wonder if this person is even human artistic character in some sort of reality television show that's already been edited. we will see more of it in coming up the next half-hour greta the chairman the california republican party join us live and studio and the big topic today's medicare reform and the campaign trail in both parties are trying to spend the issue ahead of election day. chevron macon a promise to local schools and the wake of the refinery in ferndale and what it did to make sure that kids are safe going a back-to- school.
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,, at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those
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the debate over medicare reform he took on the campaign trail and a closer look at the plan supported by the candidates. supporting those the
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support of freedom what one local lawmakers doing to give back to the veterans. santa clara county takes a vote of $30 million settlement with the san francisco forty- niners. welcome back to the weakened earlier edition. thanks for sending your day with us a lot to talk about the next half hour and couldn't tax measures we will be voted on in november. how are people feeling about that it really this is split issue we will explore that and california in its place in the gop the state party chairman talks about the upcoming convention and of course what else but medicare as well. but efforts help veterans returning from more are picking up in the wake of the record number of suicides among soldiers one lawmaker or test event to give that to the needed a single stock. on what's needed and what's offered.
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ricardo knows firsthand the importance of resources for soldiers returning home from war. for six or seven years i just kind of was lost in sacramento. he spent more than 17 years in active duty and afterwards found himself all listen to the with the laundry list of physical and mental issues i have peaty s.d., i have back injuries from my service and i have a screw my soldier shoulder and i hit my head on something in while i was out in desert storm. he says he spent the last seven years fighting for disability benefits from the department of veterans affairs and he is still waiting for approval. i submitted claim for service connected disabilities about seven years ago and i keep getting denial letters.
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one of many is that some attended the resource fair and hayward hosted by the california senate majority leader they've given all stress and we should be taking care of them quit in nearly a dozen agencies to present to help veterans like ricardo including the disabled american veterans. the difference is talking to somebody who understands what you've done and understands for your mind is today. saying that event and active-duty soldiers need a listening ear recently the u.s. army report the number of active-duty suicides war than doubled from june to july 12th in june and 26 in july. quetta the guys up there alone trying to balance the demands themselves are usually the guys the and of committing suicide and we want to prevent that. this is the first reverse'' resource affair have posted by mccormick with the success of the to another future plans for additional events to assist veterans in hayward.
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with a fire at the chevron refinery in richmond did more than just put the air it also left its mark and local schools. crews from chevron cleaned up at the playgrounds at king's college school washing off any possible remnants of the smoke at 40 schools in the area expected to finish by the time the school year starts. out there was concern about the committee that the smoke that resulted from the fire may have put sit on the outdoor playground equipment and with schools during next week with a mixture students came back to a clean environment and able to enjoy their outdoor equipment without any sort or dust. also making sure all the city parks to been thoroughly cleaned. could a big change for kids stay in school this year tomorrow marks the first day the transitional can occur and will be offered in california. program trading kids to will not turn five by september 1st the new coverage for enrollment killing of an extra year of
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school before starting the traditional, and the garden. its estimate one of the 25,000 kids will be eligible for the new classes'. a manmade pond in walnut creek is about ticket to islands of the so-called bio haven floating islands made entirely from recycled and non-toxic bottles designed to provide a habitat for wildlife and also pull the guns from the water. in a first look on tuesday morning in the islands are set to arrive. in the south bay a formal vote to set this week for a $30 million dispute between the center to score 40 niners in santa clara county. the suit in june after county oversight board seized the rebel and funds the voters had approved for the teams the stadium. eventually the two sides agreed to eventually sure the cash to about two of the settlement on wednesday. who is the best policies of
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medicare at the major issue in the campaign trail for an entire week and it will continue to be. the cbs reporter tells us what the candidates are for. both candidates say it's the other guy who hearts medicare the most. here is the basic claim from governor mitt romney his playmaker at greater risk and held career at risk here's the basic claim from the president out there plant and medicare as we know what here's what they're actually four. mitt romney promises to keep medicare as it is for americans above age 55 but would also offer seniors a choice between traditional medicare and and in a private insurance plan. in that system the government would pay a basic premium for seniors directly to their insurance company. some people without a trace of career competition between the government to the private plans. s plan could increase with seniors pay if they choose
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regular medicare and the president is made that an issue. the plan make seniors pay more so they can give another tax cut to milliners and billionaires' greta the president's plans for medicare are folded into this health reform act. virtually no change to traditional medicare but he would reduce future medicare spending by $716 billion most of that by reducing payments to hospitals and ending the extra subsidies to the medicare advantage program. the president claims the savings what medicare stay alive. my plan is extended medicare by nearly a decade but also hoping to pay for the president's overall health reform the mitt romney is turned sentiment issue he is taken $716 billion out of the medicare trust fund to pay for obama care and i will put it back. both sides of boy in the specifics of what has to be cut to keep medicare solvent long term at an ever when its cost
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controls are necessary for medicare to survive the telling seniors the actual details of but they might lose the still political suicide. coming up next the chairman of the california republican party is trying to us during a stake of the medicare debate in what to expect the national convention. a man stuck in the well for nearly a day and the dramatic rescue that was caught on tape. quitter taken the polls of voters thought head of california's election day with a standard comes to governor brown's tax hike proposal. good morning expecting a pretty nice sunday for the bay area but in the headlines there are changes on the horizon. cloud cover on the shore line but a cooling trend in the future. future. if you want less, you can always have less, but i like having a lot more a lot more than having a lot less. and the more more i have, the more i like having more.
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and that's exactly what i get at embassy suites. more post-meeting celebrations, more complimentary drinks, more for my money... mmm, more bar snacks... ♪ more olives. definitely. i want so much more it's more more than a mortal man can handle. now that's more like it. [ female announcer ] complimentary drinks. free breakfast. more room.
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a live look outside the trans american towner and down tower in downtown sacramento the
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fog will have along the coast the rest of our sunday with the current temperatures in the '50s heading into the low 60s within about an hour. concord 57 degrees in san francisco 55 and santa rosa 50 degrees with a chain store in the forecast later this week with the rest of the forecast. good morning. whittle%-off to look good start is to recap what happened this weekend we had moisture triggering flash flooding in southern california for an afternoon and then as we move it to no. the moisture follows a we had a few thunderstorms early saturday morning and today all look that moisture moves at the state with some low cloud cover along the shoreline but numbers in general will be about the same as they were yesterday. part the sunny monday with low,
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cover affecting parts of the bad especially in view of the golden gate and inland mostly sunshine. the low pressure is off the pacific northwest and eventually it will pick out a trough in the western part of the state and as a result with this producing numbers will go down in a cooling trend in the bay area but that won't happen to live around midweek. the meantime continuing to woman east bay and along the beach numbers in the '60s and that forecast in general for the bay area today with mostly sunshine inland and the '90s in they love to mid-60s for the beach. the low, cover will form along the shoreline has to look talk back showing themselves along the coast of the night in the forecast developing back to the shrine but it leaves us with mostly clear skies of the bay area today.
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heading out tomorrow at the airport looks pretty good part of the cutting western breeze the mosque are sunshine for los angeles chicago partly cloudy and 73 from monday overnight lows tonight '50's the most part 52 at santa rosa 58 for san jose in the forecast as for today in san jose low 80s and 77 right there in hayward area 65 by pacifica and 82 in napa and livermore hits 90 degrees. tuesday was a interstate finally the numbers and back down to the mid '80s and a start on tuesday we will keep it there to the end of the week. have a great sunday. greta medicare has become a central focus of the
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presidential campaign. were at least it's starting to because mitt romney is running mate has offered a budget in congress that would overhaul the proper program. from one issue and how they develop returned to the chairman of the california republican party. for weeks now you've been telling us that you wanted mitt romney to start talking hard about issues and see what they're going to do. they're halfway there but nobody will still be the obama or mitt romney get specific about what cuts they're proposing. greta it's clear that obama care part of that was the cut to 716 which is certainly provided less which will force some providers out. the problem for the country is that medicare the number of people working cannot support medicare of security as we know it because the sum of money going in and to much money coming out. we need a real debate of what's the best thing to do and what the republicans want to do is to
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condemn the federal government. quit it is a risky proposition to have medicare issue confronting center which makes paul ryan of risky pick. what would he think of that pack and how it's becoming front and center in the debate. have to agree with the met on the camp we might as well have somebody particulate for get hit with this already. the tick collar print article that said the under '40's that generation is actually open to this discussion because if it under 40 you realize a lot of these things aren't going to be around covering everybody 55 and older that appears to be picking a demographic group that the figure will put out and tend to vote more often anywhere else. in prague sweep of things we have to determine whether we want the federal government to
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collect money and subsidize will collect money subsidized and be the administrator and what the ryan tenses as we do the federal government to be the administrator bureaucracy plus give people the option of private insurance companies and then make the insurance companies because of administering the program. it is interesting that we can't this is a big issue and 1 in. discussed and a presidential campaign it ever been is impression is that and leading something should be talking about but of course you should talk about the future of medicare the flip side of it is that the " talking about post cuts but neither side obama or mitt romney will get specific on that but you think the well between now and november? of not sure what they really want them to say about the cut but here's the reality the not reducing benefits meaning in the sense that
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they're going to tell people you cannot go to the doctor. the way to woodcuts is what they say is to providers if your doctor were going to reimburse to less which will force doctors out of the problem here is to have a program that's exploding because of the aging of the population and again because the economy is so bad in the system itself was never designed and could never have work you have less money coming in. it's one of those problems with it western social democracies is that they create massive programs and there's no way to pay for them. the focus ahead to the convention in florida to think they will rearrange the conversation restaurant elsewhere? i think to sue the fact the republicans of a much deeper future bench than the democrat from the governor's you see a lot of great and republicans might expect at the convention in winnings to happen is this
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discussion of what's the proper role of government and to showcase the success republicans have had at the governorship level and that the republicans to look to translate that the national level. the next half-hour were going to review some of the highlights in the campaign trail had also taken with the contents that raised eyebrows and tom will join us again on the c. w. and a half an hour and on the meantime will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the cruiser rescuing an man from a well he had been there for more than 24 hours he fell done shaft and got stuck in some
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horseback riders heard him yelling and called in rescue crews. again it was a full day and night to inspect their when it was finally pulled out he was taken to a local hospital and is expected to make a full recovery. the big question before california voters, gov. brown's tax hike proposal greta for that a political insider the former mayor and the sentences " chronicle with it down to the cafe emma watson know what the motive of voters is. to check in about taxes to a huge issue high-speed rail and california finances right now governor brown's job does not look easy the republicans are loving this and i don't see you out there he's not doing that keep in mind arnold is a much better sales pitch man then brown has ever been that was his strength whether he was pitching
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in to buy stuff to make your muscles bigger or any of this kind he was of big-time guy he sold the magazines and everything brown has never sold anything he saw up to the than nothing and is not that of a person. of my coverage of him has been in this term as commander and seemed to be a different style politician roy he says we have traces presenting you with actresses and the options that ultimately make the decision vote but not sure it's up selling it as a much saying this is my option take it but if you don't keeping in mind he really is hesitant to take responsibility for the ultimate result of less the result is already happened. the frame and the result is not his baby. his job is even harder by some of the hand lens assembly
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for the park scandal millions of dollars a been found making the voters even more questioning his arguments here. ultimately do think the accepted and by it or do think they will say no good to help except it because the tape to see the implementation of the cuts that are on the table but to be clear it would be a lot easier if the voters knew exactly where the money was going because of all the negatives that came from the park's because some of the native second from the city college of san francisco and the mismanagement of money and the cause of the outrageous pension benefits that unpaid that could be afforded all those things causes people to save i don't want flexibility in the hands of politicians on the money could ultimately it's a referendum on stake government and the system
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and i would necessarily at this time and terry please send already gone greta committed tax past certainly a step difficult proposition put out a and politicians themselves something for will be very helpful and it the main arguments will come from the schools and social service agencies that would see the huge cuts in about a committee those of of people listening to the arguments from and those of the was it a going to make because the flip side is i haven't talked to many state politicians to interesting and going out there is something for a tax if you're running pre- election the diocese said they wanted to vote for me and vote for a tax hike when the police and fire and teachers and social services out there stumping and that's the game plan. one more look at the top stories coming up including a big deal topic on the campaign trail the candidates and how they're using medicare and open
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to reform it to gain new voters. to reform it to gain new voters.
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will look at this morning top stories again the medicare is a hot topic on the campaign truck paul ryan has been campaigning with his mother in florida and to reassure seniors. and a push to help veterans of the bay area yesterday in a word more than a dozen agencies took part in the resource for offering assistance with physical and psychological issues. cleanup nepos " remnants of any smoking local schools this week and after the refinery fire working at 40 campuses cleaning the playgrounds and expect to finish by the time the school year starts. an illinois senator dick durbin and the former newark mayor will be on face the nation today. the news will continue
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honor c.w. network and this week talking up the first taste of america scup and how much that bay area will really benefit with the reality check on channel 44 cable 12th starting at 8:30 a.m. and a quick look at the weather. a live look at the golden gate bridge plenty of fog sticking around the coastline today with temperatures in the upper 50s right now and today low cooler of the start the next day with the weather generally should end up pretty similar to what we saw. all of the thank you for joining us to remember face the nation is next on cbs 5 end of an average of the c. w. network and come and join us there in a few minutes on cable 12th channel 44 enjoy your sunday.
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